Union Financial Technologies will participate at FinTech Connect Live in London from 8-9 December 2015.

The event brings together over 2,000 professionals from the global financial services and FinTech ecosystem to debate topics including Digital transformation, Cryptocurrencies, Payments and Innovation.

In addition to profiling its existing solutions, Union will demonstrate Union.crowd, a new solution which helps Crowd/P2P service providers manage borrowers, investors and the marketplace in real-time.

Focusing on invoice finance in the first instance, each loan transaction receives a rating based on the credit and/or performance risk of the counterparties involved. Once a transaction is approved by the service provider it is then marketed to investors via a real-time marketplace.

Investors may bid up to the limit of their cleared funds. On full subscription of the loan investors are automatically notified and debited, with funds disbursed to the borrower automatically or by the service provider (to allow for stage payments, deduction of fee’s, etc).

Loans then perform are normal – interest is automatically calculated and applied, repayments of capital and interest are returned to the investors, account statements sent to all parties, accounting and reporting for the Crowd/P2P service provider, etc.

To learn more about Union.crowd or reserve at time with us at FinTech Connect Live please contact us.

For further information on the event please visit www.fintechconnectlive.com.

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