Crowd / P2P

Union.crowd helps Crowd and P2P service providers generate a range of benefits.

Deeper Client Relationships
Provide personalised offers to borrowers and investors » Make it easy to understand and transact » Deliver a quality, real-time service 24/7/365 » Reinforce brand awareness via while labelling.

Bottom Line Impact
Create efficiency through automation of processes and allowing clients to self-service » Remove requirement for large IT investments » Modular, flexible pricing helps you generate fast ROI.


Corporate Agility
Customise to your exact requirement, launch quickly » Easy to adapt and add new products and countries » Open architecture allows integration to other systems.


Corporate Governance
Standardise data and processes across the marketplace » Generate deep insights on performance using real-time data » Accurate client records and accounting » Functionality is secure and tested.



To learn about who we help and how, see the links below for more.